Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Quiet Book

Little J has a book he's quiet fond of and recently I decided to copy it to make it a texture quiet book. He really likes textures, so I thought it would be fun for him and a great way for me to practice sewing curves (I just got my first sewing machine for Christmas).

With a few exceptions I only used materials I already had. Good use of scraps! Yay!

The first page I replicated was the yellow duck:
The yellow duck was really easy compared to the other pages because there was only 1 material for the body. For each animal I nearly traced the animal from the book, then cut a hole in my felt. (I bought my felt from Purple Room Crafts and have been really happy with the quality and the very, very little shrinking.)

The steps for the duck were:
1 Cut felt shape for body,
2 Sew yellow material to underside of the felt (I top stitched on the felt, around the opening), learning a lot about curves (let's not talk about the weird point at the tail)
3 Sew felt feet and beak onto the felt background
4 Sew bead eye on. I actually have a little scrap of white felt under the bead eye. (I also bought my beads from Purple Room Crafts.)

The yellow body is just a scrap of cotton. Not as interesting as the other pages, but I really like how the duck turned out. The duck is on blue because the blue horse was the next animal -- so we could pretend to read the book.

Given the number of beads, you may not want to let a young child play with a book like this unattended.

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